Ross Memorial Hospital - Foundation

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A conversation with Jeff Todd, RMHF Treasurer

Jeff  Todd WATR content images

November 13, 2024 -

What inspired you to volunteer on the Foundation Board of Directors?

I have gratitude debt to the Ross for patching me up as a kid from repairing broken bones, stitches and bouncing me back as quickly as I faltered to my next injury.

What do you hope to accomplish during your time on the Board?

Awareness and engagement across all generations. Enhancing awareness that public funding continues to come up short but that gaps can be minimized with the power of an engaged community from young to old.

Are there things you've learned about the work of the Foundation of which you were unaware before joining the Board?

Philanthropy comes in all shapes and sizes – and it all matters. I love hearing stories of kid lemonade stand donations to a ‘thank you’ Ross experience donation to local leaders and corporate donors providing a courageous gift. It all matters and giving back is a social muscle that makes our community great.  

Has the Ross played a part in your life or the life of a loved one? What is your Ross story?

I vividly recall a number of Friday evenings post our Lindsay Muskie Jr. A games when either myself or a teammate would be injured requiring stitches, a cast or something in between. Our entire team of 20 sweaty teenagers would waltz down to visit our ailing teammate to send them some love. I’m not sure the busy ER would appreciate that today, but the nurses and doctors were very accommodating after a quick visit before kindly and with a smile asking us to leave. 

What does the phrase 'WE ARE THE ROSS' mean to you?

I feel very privileged to have the healthcare access that we do in Canada - for my family, parents, kids and loved ones. But I think we need to strive for more than ‘access’. I see the ‘We are the Ross’ as a challenge to the entire Kawartha Lakes community to come together and enhance our experience and services at the Ross. Engage more and demand more. To me, ‘We are the Ross’ is a sense of community ownership, one in which elevates both our Ross services, experiences and expectations. 

About the RMH Foundation Board of Directors

The RMH Foundation Board of Directors is responsible for the overall governance of the Foundation. Its members set the Foundation's strategic priorities and ensure they're met; they monitor the success of fundraising and stewardship efforts, and ensure financial resources are managed appropriately. In addition to monthly board meetings, members serve on various committees of the Board. They are valued members of the RMH Foundation family. For more information about the RMH Foundation Board of Directors, contact the Foundation Office at 705-328-6146.

PHOTO: Jeff Todd lives in Lindsay and works for Deloitte Canada. He joined the RMH Foundation Board of Directors in 2022.