RBC Communities Together Fund supports RMH

February 8, 2024 - The Ross Memorial Hospital Foundation is honoured to be selected by members of the RBC team in Lindsay to receive support through the RBC Communities Together Fund.
This fund gives RBC employees the opportunity to select causes in their own communities to support both financially and with volunteer service.
Banking Advisor Megan Fenton was among the RBC Lindsay employees who recommended the Ross for the Communities Together Fund. Members of the Lindsay branch created holiday cards to share messages of health and joy with patients in hospital over the holidays.
“We at RBC realize the Ross has a large impact in the community, and as part of that community we have all used and appreciated the services at the Ross Memorial Hospital. We would like to provide support in any way that we can.”
The RBC Communities Together Fund provided a donation of $1,500 to help fund the community’s new MRI and CT Scanner, the hospital’s clinical information system, and bedside equipment such as the new fleet of IV pumps.
“We were touched to hear from Megan at RBC that they wanted to help the hospital over the holidays,” said Erin Coons, RMH Foundation CEO. “From our business partners like RBC, to service clubs, churches and individuals throughout Kawartha Lakes, we can all make a difference. Together, WE ARE THE ROSS.”