Ross Memorial Hospital - Foundation

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WE ARE THE ROSS: Mona Malcolm Sharman

Mona  Malcolm  Sharman content images

May 23, 2023 - Among the valued members of the Ross Team are our community volunteers on the Foundation’s Board of Directors. The Board is responsible for the overall governance of the Foundation. Its members set the Foundation's strategic priorities and ensure they're met; they monitor the success of fundraising and stewardship efforts, and ensure financial resources are managed appropriately. In addition to monthly board meetings, members serve on various committees of the Board. They are valued members of the RMH Foundation family.

“The Ross Memorial Hospital is the focal point of the community. I have lived locally most of my life and I understand the positive impact The Ross has on our community.” 

Mona Malcolm Sharman joined the RMH Foundation Board of Directors in 2019 and has been a valued board member, member of the Finance Committee, member of the Executive Committee and currently, Vice Chair of the Board. 

Mona appreciates the role of the Hospital in this community and the importance it has held in the lives of her family. “Both of my children were born there and the Ross helped my husband when he had a medical emergency. Our care was second to none.”

Four years into her volunteer role, Mona has learned a great deal about the work of the RMH Foundation and the impact of donors’ gifts on local patient care.  

“I did not realize that the provincial government does not cover the costs of equipment and infrastructure and that the local community is responsible to raise the funds to cover the needs of the hospital.”  

When asked what the phrase ‘WE ARE THE ROSS’ means to her, Mona said: “WE ARE THE ROSS means that everyone, including the staff, the volunteers, the patients and the community have a common goal to make sure the Ross is the best it can be. We are a family.”

PHOTO:  Mona Malcolm Sharman recently retired from RBC Royal Bank as a Financial Planner. She is a longtime Kawartha Lakes resident.