Ross Memorial Hospital - Foundation

Contact Us:
Phone: 705-328-6146

Frequently Asked Questions


Where do I send my donation?

In Person

Foundation Office
2nd Floor, West Wing
Ross Memorial Hospital
10 Angeline Street North
Lindsay, ON

Cashier's Office
Main Lobby
Ross Memorial Hospital

By Mail

Ross Memorial Hospital Foundation
10 Angeline Street North
Lindsay, ON  K9V 4M8 







Click on the "Donate Now" button.


What are your office hours?

Our office hours are Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Dates and times are modified when holiday dates apply. Please phone 705-328-6146 prior to holidays to confirm.


Can I designate my donation to a specific area of the hospital?

Yes. You may choose to keep your gift unrestricted, which means that Ross Memorial Hospital will be able to use it where the need is greatest or you may choose to focus your donation on a specific area of interest to you. Contact the Foundation to discuss what programs and projects are available.


Will I receive a tax receipt for my donations?

All donations are tax creditable however, tax receipts will not be issued for donations under $10, unless requested. Monthly donors will receive one receipt per year.

Curious to know what your donation tax credit will be? Use the Canada Revenue Agency's Donation Tax Credit Calculator.


How can I update my donor information with you?

If you would like to update your name, address, phone number or you would like to update your credit card or banking information for your monthly gift, you can contact the Foundation office via phone, fax or e-mail. Please refer above for the Foundation contact information.


Can Ross Memorial Hospital send out cards in honour or in memory of an individual?

Yes. We have many donors who make donation gifts in honour or in memory of friends or family. When you make such a gift, a card will be sent to the individual that is being honoured (or to their closest family member), to acknowledge your generous donation. For your convenience, memorial/tribute gifts can be made over the phone.


When an in memory or in honour gift is made, is the amount of the donation disclosed?

No. This information is kept strictly confidential unless the donor instructs otherwise.


Can I donate equipment and/or items to Ross Memorial Hospital?

Yes. We welcome the opportunity to discuss with you what is needed and what the hospital can best use. Each donation "in-kind" of items and equipment is dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Please contact Erin Coons, CEO, at 705-328-6113, to discuss your donation. Please keep in mind that while we're always grateful for every giving gesture, we must comply with RMH regulations and Infection Control policies.


Does Ross Memorial Hospital accept future gifts through a will, securities (stocks, bonds and mutual funds), bequests, or life insurance?

Yes. There are a variety of vehicles for planned gifts that could provide tax advantages for you and your loved ones. Some of those vehicles are:

Contact the Foundation for more information about our Planned Giving Program.


How do I know my online donation is secure?

Your online donation will be made through, an organization that provides safe and secure methods of making online transactions. It uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) servers for advanced encryption, which safeguards your personal information and guarantees your privacy. None of your personal data, including credit card number, can be read by third parties.


How can I organize a fundraising event on behalf of the Ross Memorial Hospital Foundation?

Planning a fundraiser to support Ross Memorial Hospital Foundation is a great way to have fun and generate much-needed funds to purchase new equipment and expand our facilities. Our Foundation staff are more than happy to help. Please read through our Event Planner or contact the Foundation office.